Tuesday, March 18, 2008

20: Some questions remain...

Questions remaining… MANAGEMENT, these are for you. I dare you to try to answer these. If the allegations against us are true:

  • why would I have hosted a MDO (which B and Member A attended) at my house?
  • why would I have driven 40-50 minutes away, TWICE, late at night to karaoke with B and other mommies (including Member A) when I was an EBF mother with a child who woke often at night and was up very early in the mornings?
  • why would we still be supporting [local mommies group]'s members?
  • why would my sister AND my neighbor be even more active on the site now, after I was bitch-slapped by the group?
  • why would I have spent my time and money making several [local mommies group] shirts for myself to wear proudly in order to help recruit (by the way, wearing them now is like wearing a scarlet letter... so they are up for grabs if anyone wants them)?
  • why would I have spent days making (by myself, with an infant) almost 20 t-shirts for the [local mommies group] for the American Heart Association Heart Walk, only asking for as much money as I needed to cover the materials? Any additional money that was leftover was sent in as a donation to the AHA (in addition to the hundreds of dollars from friends and family that I raised)…
  • why would I have contributed to a yard sale for a foundation that one of the [local mommies group] members is working very hard to start up?
  • why would many of us have genuinely offered to help Member A, the pathetic woman who started it all, with anything she might need for the two children she is so selflessly (??) fostering?
  • why would I have spent my own money on materials needed to print out many, many copies of [local mommies group] fliers to recruit members?
  • why would we have spent our own money on non-returnable items for gifts bags for the quarterly birthday parties that we also helped to plan?
  • why would we have spent our own money on materials for the Christmas Parade?
  • why would I have initiated a groupwide playdate at the Aquarium which was attended by many moms, dads, and children?
  • WTF ever happened to the "good proof" that you had that I broke "rule #6"? Once you realized that that was a total fluff accusation, were you motivated to start digging the mountain that you made from this mole hill??
  • why would I have contacted the media on behalf of [local mommies group] as part of the Promotions Committee? By the way, my media connection put me in touch with someone who contacted me and another [local mommies group] member. This must be the kind of "trouble" you banned me for, hmm?