Monday, February 18, 2008

10: Ummm...HI! Still waiting!

I waited patiently for an answer… ANY answer… or at least a little more information. I sent personal emails to local management too. According to the local management, they needed 48 hours to investigate. Patiently, but anxiously, I waited.

On 1/28/08 at 6:16PM, I sent another email to local management just to verify that my previous two attempts at help and an explanation had indeed been received:

Please verify the receipt of the two emails below (sent earlier today). I am anxiously awaiting a response. On the telephone, [B] said that I would receive a response today (Monday 1/28/08). Any time of the day is fine; I will wait.

Since I was not provided details about my alleged malfeasance, I am left to make assumptions. You will find my assumptions and explanations for said assumptions in the emails below. If neither of those scenarios match what I am being accused of, I would appreciate the courtesy of additional details, and I would appreciate them sooner than later.

Truthfully, I feel that it was my right to be informed of the situation in detail from the get-go; since this issue directly involved me, I feel that I am well within my rights to be involved and be given details. It took a lot of prodding to get the little information I actually was given. The lapse of time between being mysteriously banned from the site, to now with only bits and pieces of information, to a resolution that may not occur for many more hours, is doing nothing more than causing bad blood and hard feelings.

I would rather a phone call than an email. I think enough has been assumed online, so a phone call should avoid any more confusion. Most of all, I am disappointed in the management team for not contacting me directly and personally. I thought there was far more mutual respect than that.

Thank you.